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Your attention please. Would the parent of Chloe Sanders please go to Cash Register 7 3) immediately . Your daughter is waiting there.

Your assumption is not based on adequate facts. 你的假设不是建立在充分的事实基础上的。
Your assumption is not based on full facts. 你的假设不是建立在充分的事实基础上的.
Your astral body will be loose in the trance state, so try lifting your astral arms and legs out, one at a time. 你的星体躯体会在恍惚状态中松动,因此尝试抬起你的星体胳膊和腿,一次抬起一条。
Your astrologer will provide you with a vital, new understanding of yourself. 占星家会让你对自己有一个很重要的、全新的认识。
Your attention please,athlete No.234,please come to the call room immediately . 请注意,队的234号运动员请马上到检录处来.
Your attention please. Would the parent of Chloe Sanders please go to Cash Register 7 3) immediately . Your daughter is waiting there. 请注意,可儿山德斯的家长请即刻前往七号收银台。您的女儿在此等您。
Your attitude affects others which in turn affect you.Therefore,you have to sent a positive ripple to get positive resule. 你的态度影响别人,它又将会反转来影响你,所以你必须推动一个有利方向的涟漪,以得到积极正面的成果。
Your attitude at work and the way you treat people --- even your mood --- does not go unnoticed. 你的工作态度和为人处事方式——甚至你的情绪——不是没人注意。
Your attitude determines your altitude. 你的态度决定了你的高度。
Your attitude toward education is to balance education and other areas of your life. 你对教育持与生活中其他方面相平衡的态度。
Your attitude toward others is generous, kind and humane. 所以你对待他人是宽宏、亲切和仁慈的。

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