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“On Sunday the referee booked me for the challenge on Lauren.

“Okay,” I said calmly, “can you please tell me the title of the book? 好,"我冷静地说,"你能告诉我这本书的书名吗?
“Okay. My name is Deputy Lane Callaway. And you are? “很好。我是莱恩.卡勒维副队长。你叫什么名字?”
“On Office Automation Management,” carried in “Yangcheng Evening news”, April 12, 1993. “论办公自动化管理”,1994年4月12日载于《羊地晚报》。
“On Parry-Lord Oral Poetics”. Year Book of Chinese Folklore, 2001~2002, ed. Folklore Association of China, Beijing: Xueyuan Publishing House, July 2002, pp.157~173. “帕里、洛德口头诗学试论”,《中国民俗学年刊》2000-2001合刊,中国民俗学会编。中国民俗学会编。学苑出版社2002年7月,北京。第157-173页。
“On Questions of Mythological Research Data”, Oirat Studies, No.2, 1994. 《关于神话资料的几个问题》,《卫拉特研究》,1994(2),第~页。
“On Sunday the referee booked me for the challenge on Lauren. “在周日的比赛中,主裁判因我对劳伦的抢断动作作出了判罚。
“On my head pour only the sweet waters of serenity. Give me the gift of the Untroubled mind. 「在我头上只灌注宁静的甘露。给我一杯不受干扰的心境。」
“On the Separatist Movement of Western Canada 1980-1982”, International Forum, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2001. 《加拿大西部分裂主义初探》,载《国际论坛》,2001年第3期。
“On the counter-attack, the pace and ability of Wayne and Cristiano is going to be a major asset. Some of their one-touch football last night was fantastic. “在防反上,鲁尼和罗那尔多的速度是主要的优势。昨晚他们几次一脚出球非常漂亮。”
“On the other hand, all of the contributors to this debate who expressed an opinion agree that the deterministic prediction of an individual earthquake, within sufficiently narrow limits to allow a planned evacuation programme, is an unrealistic goal. “另一方面,向这场辩论提交论文表示了看法的所有研究者,都同意∶对一次地震做出‘确定性预测’,其有效限度窄到允许实施计划中的撤离计划,是一种不现实的目标。”
“On-job” training has the advantage of ensuring that activity ( repeated actions is a key factor in the apprentices' knowledge construction) and participation in everyday work activities “forces” learners to access higher order procedural and propositiona 在职培训也有很多优势,受训工人重复一些操作对他们自身的知识构成帮助很大,而且在每天工作过程中感受工作的压力和强度有助于他们达到更高的工作水平。

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