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The workers decided to take judicial proceedings against the company.

The workers are trying their best to increase productivity. 工人们正竭尽全力提高生产力。
The workers are trying to apply modern techniques to this traditional craft. 工人们试图将现代技术用于这项传统工业。
The workers bear wind and rain. 工人们经受风吹雨打.
The workers came up against their employers' unwillingness to pay high wages. 工人们遇到了雇主不愿付高工资的难题。
The workers covered the broken bone with a very thick plaster cast, which I believe would not keep it from moving on gracefully. 也不知要过多久,也许要等骨头慢慢长好了,旋转木马的泪才渐渐不再流。
The workers decided to take judicial proceedings against the company. 工人们决定对公司正式提起诉讼。
The workers demand a definite answer. 工人们要求一个明确的答复。
The workers demanded to get better pay. 工人要求更高的工资。
The workers demonstrated against the rising cost of living. 工人们示威抗议生活费用的高涨。
The workers find themselves absolutely at the mercy of the capitalists. 工人们发现他们自己完全在资本家的掌握中。
The workers go on strike to ask for higher pay. 为了提高工资,工人们举行了罢工。

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