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Gummed so as to adhere.

Gulliver's Travels, a satire as well as a children's story, is his masterpiece. 《格列佛游记》,一部儿童小说,是他的代表作。
Gulliver's Travels. Jonathan Swift. A shipwreck survivor encounters miniature people,giants and superintelligent,talking horses among other things in a series of political satires. 一个船只遇难的生还者偶遇到除了在一系列政治讽刺小说中所拥有的事物以外,还有微型人、巨人和超智人、会说话的马人。
Gulp! 不好!糟了!表示坏事即将发生.说这个词时,通常很小声.
Gum Any substance that swells in water to form a gel or a sticky solution. 树胶:是所有能够在水中膨胀形成凝胶或粘性溶液的物质的总称。
Gum metal alloys—composed of titanium, tantalum, niobium, zirconium and sometimes vanadium, together with a minimal leavening of oxygen—are consolidated into ingots under high heat and pressure but with no melting. 胶性金属合金是由钛、钽、铌、锆(有时候还加上钒),全部一起与微量的氧气作用,在高温高压下(但不使之熔化)固化成铸锭。
Gummed so as to adhere. 涂胶的涂上胶以便粘附的
Gummed strip double-glazing glass: Using hollow gummed strips with superior seal property and desiccant inside to seal the gap between two or more pieces of glasses. 胶条式铝空玻璃:由内含吸湿剂的优异密封性能的中空胶条将两片或多片玻璃间隔密封而成。
Gump grabs Lt.Dan and starts to run. (福勒斯特一把抱住中尉就开始跑。)
Gums and mucilages are not distinguishable chemically. 用化学的方法区分不出树胶和粘胶。
Gun is designed as gas-on and gas-off type,with quick response,it could biggest control still leak adhesive when stop machine,result in the original material wasted. 枪体采用气开气关式设计,反应速度灵敏,极大的控制停机时胶仍然往下漏,造成原材料的浪费。喷嘴的规格尺寸,可根据用户要求订做。
Gunars Valkirs and N. Leigh Anderson collaborate on protein array research.Valkirs is chief technology officer at Biosite Diagnostics in San Diego, Calif. 瓦克斯及安德森在蛋白质晶片的研究上,携手合作。瓦克斯是加州圣地牙哥市「生物检验站」公司的首席科技长。

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