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Drinking water throughout the day is an important habit to pick up.

Drinking too much wine contributed to his death. 酗酒促成了他的死亡。
Drinking was not associated the development of mild cognitive impairment, according to the report. 据研究报告显示,轻度认知损害的发生与饮酒无关。
Drinking water has been polluted. 食水受到污染。
Drinking water helps our bodies in a variety of ways. 喝水在许多方面都有助于我们的身体。
Drinking water immediately after a meal is bad for the digestion. 饭后立刻饮水不利于消化。
Drinking water throughout the day is an important habit to pick up. 全天候饮水补水是个必须养成的重要习惯。
Drinking water will also get you out of your seat more! 喝水也可以让你多离开座位走走!
Drinks and hors d'oeuvres or snacks are usually served. 酒会上通常招待各种饮料和开胃小吃或点心。
Drinks and nibbles will be served. 将有饮品小吃招待.
Drinks mother's milk, the baby just started at the initial period daily meeting very many inferior bowel movements, crossed for several months, had at the very long period, to remember the daughter has separated two weeks only then bowel movements, althou 喝母乳的婴儿,刚开始初期每天会上很多次大便,过了几个月后,要很久才会上一次,记得上次女儿隔了二个星期才大便,尽管我每天帮她按摩都没有用,最后才得知是因为吸收能力渐强的关系,甚至有人超过21天才大便,这都是属于正常现象,而今天女儿晚餐时上了一次,睡觉前也上了超多的一次,连衣服都被软软黄黄的沾了背部全溼,只好再洗一次澡,这算是近几个月来特殊现象。
Drip Irrigation line is used to produce single wing labyrinth water conveying belt on the base of . polyolefin. It is widely used in warm room, farm and so on. 生产线主要用于生产以聚烯烃为原料的具有紊流流态的单翼迷宫式输水带,广泛应用于大田、大棚沿作物植行铺设,果树、花卉、蔬菜等作物的灌溉。

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