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Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom.

Patience is needed for that job. 干那工作,需要耐心。
Patience is one of the most important attributes in a teacher. 当教师最重要的一个品性就是要有耐心.
Patience is the ability to let your light shine after your fuse has blown. 耐性”是当你勃然大怒是,仍能让你展现智慧光彩的能力。
Patience is the ability to let your light shine sfter yur fuse has blown. “耐性“是当你勃然大怒时,仍能让你展现智慧光彩的能力。
Patience is the ability to put up with people you'd like to put down. 能容忍你想羞辱的人,便是忍耐。
Patience is the basis of all intellect and wisdom. 耐心是一切聪明才智的基础。
Patience is the best remedy (or medicine). 忍耐是最好的药物。
Patience is the best remedy. 忍耐是良药。
Patience is the plaster of all sores. 忍耐是一切痛苦的止痛膏。
Patience is very important skill in most cases. 多数情况下,耐心是最重要的技巧。
Patience keeps a hound from bounding off and leaving work undone, and causes it to apply itself to the surest and safest methods in difficult situations. 耐心会使猎犬不回避困难,不半途而废,并且使它能在困难的环境下全力以赴地找到最稳妥最安全的方法。

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