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A 16-year-old Virginia cancer patient won a legal battle today.

A 14ft inflatable boat, a coffin, false limbs and a lawn mower are just some of the items left on public transport. 1艘14呎长的橡皮艇、1具棺材、多具义肢、1台除草机,只是丢在大众运输工具上众多项目中的几样而已。
A 15-year-old Italian boy was given the cold shoulder after hitchhiking 1,250 miles to see a Swedish girl he fell in love with on holiday. 警察把他从车上叫下来时,他已经冻得嗦嗦发抖。这名15岁的意大利男孩,不顾寒冷,搭顺风车到1250英里以外的地方去,为的是见到他在假期里爱上的瑞典女孩。
A 15-year-old boy who had not defecated for 1 week was diagnosed as having a mucinous adenocarcinoma in the descending colon. 摘要一个十五岁男生因一周未排便为表现而被诊断出在降结肠处有结肠黏液性腺癌。
A 15-year-old student was fatally stabbed at a central Florida high school Thursday after he and another teen got in a fight over a girl, authorities said. 据官方消息,星期四,一名15岁的中学生在佛罗里达中央中学与另一名十几岁的男孩为了一名女生发生了争执,在争执中该中学生遭到了致命的一刺。
A 16-old girl runs away from a dangerous man and gets into a faraway village near the border. 一名16岁的少女从一个危险的男人身边逃走,来到遥远的边境小村。
A 16-year-old Virginia cancer patient won a legal battle today. 维吉尼亚州,一位16岁的癌症患者今天赢得了一场法律战的胜利。
A 16-year-old girl with cardiomyopathy asks Fish to petition a judge to allow her father, who's in prison for murdering her mother, to donate his heart to save her. 有一个十六岁有心肌症的女孩来找李察,希望他可以替她申请准许她父亲损出器官给她,她的父亲是一个谋杀犯,并身上监狱。
A 16-year-old male with Scheuermann kyphosis of up to 45 degrees involving the levels from T10 to L3 underwent spine correction operation. 本篇报告一位16岁男性脊柱后突患者,胸椎第十一节至腰椎第三节角度高达45度。
A 162-year-old Christmas card, one of the first commercial cards produced for the season, sold at auction in England on Saturday for $16,000. 一张已有162年历史的世界上现存最古老的圣诞卡片12月3日在英格兰南部德维泽斯市举行的一场拍卖会上以1.6万美元的价格被拍出。
A 17-year-old boy in Nuremberg, Germany, is capable of teleportation. 二、德国纽伦堡有一名17岁男孩,能够瞬间移动。
A 18 CD box set to commemorate Sam's 30th anniversary of music. 歌神许冠杰乐坛三十周年纪念套装(18CD)。

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