Yet, nothing could have induced me to make you this present of my poor endeavours, were I not encouraged by that candour and native goodness which is so bright a part in your lordship's character. |
中文意思: 但是如果爵爷不是那样光风霁月,春风化雨,光明磊落,使人顽廉懦立,我仍不会把我这个可怜的成绩献给爵爷。 |
Yet, like those other thuggish rulers, Saddam won not just fawningly insincere adulation but a surprising degree of support from his people.
然而,跟其他嗜杀成性的统治者一样,萨达姆赢得的并非只是虚情假意的阿谀奉承,他同样也赢得了人民的拥护,这着实让人感到意外。 |
Yet, many humans will have a difficult time grasping this information, for they are imbedded with the consciousness of duality!
然而,许多人将难以消化这个资讯,因为他们还充斥着二元对立性的意识! |
Yet, many people are atheists.
但很多人是无神论者。 |
Yet, most of the folks working at those desks are knee-deep in paper. In fact, sales of the stuff are growing.
是的,大多数的人们在桌子边上工作身陷在纸里,事实上,材料出售量正在增长。 |
Yet, no matter how advanced it gets, it still all centers around the consumer's initial need and desire to find answers, ideas, and make an initial connection, which ultimately leads to the sale.
但是,不管技术如何进步,它仍然要以消费者寻找答案、意见,做最初的联系,最终引导至销售的这一系列最初的需求作为中心。 |
Yet, nothing could have induced me to make you this present of my poor endeavours, were I not encouraged by that candour and native goodness which is so bright a part in your lordship's character.
但是如果爵爷不是那样光风霁月,春风化雨,光明磊落,使人顽廉懦立,我仍不会把我这个可怜的成绩献给爵爷。 |
Yet, now, more Asians eat at those restaurants than Americans.
然而至今亚洲人在这些餐厅食用的人数已高过于美国人了。 |
Yet, on charts detailing the per capita consumption of narcotic painkillers throughout the world — routinely topped by the world's richest countries — Japan is down in the neighborhood of Bulgaria and South Africa.
但看看详述世界各国麻醉止痛药人均消耗量的图表(一向是世界最富有的国家排名在前),日本却与排在后面的保加利亚和南非的消耗量差不多。 |
Yet, outdoor activities are varied and tempting in the U.S.A.
而各种各样的户外活动在美国则引人入胜。 |
Yet, some people say that ours is an age where true heroes and heroines are hard to come by, where the very ideal of heroism is something beyond us ——an artifact of the past.
可是,有人说,我们的时代是很难出现真正英雄的时代,英雄主义这一概念本身我们就难以理解——它已经成为历史。 |
Yet, somehow, Peter Kenyon is managing it.
当然,某种程度上说肯扬做的还不错。 |