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cardio-aortic reflex

【医】 心[脏]主动脉反射



英文: clinical analyses of cocurrent cardio vasculalsystem damage of rheumatoid arthritis

中文: 类风湿关节炎并发心血管系统损害 例临床分析

英文: Cardio Vascular Disease(CVD) is one of the most dangerous disease of the time.

中文: 心血管疾病(Cardio Vascular Disease,CVD)是当前威胁人类身体健康的主要疾病之一。

英文: Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or CPR can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped.

中文: 心肺复苏或CPR能够拯救心脏停止的人的生命。

英文: In the second quarter, the combo cardio pill registered sales of just $119 million world-wide.

中文: 在今年第二季度,已经登记注册的复方药物全世界的销量仅为一亿一千九百万美金。

英文: Detection and its Clinical Significance of Serum MBP,sIL-R and TNF in Cardio and brain-vascular Diseases

中文: 心脑血管疾病血清MBP、sIL-R及TNF检测的临床意义