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a.道德(上)的,精神上的 n.寓意,教育意义

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Formulate the moral issues, moral questions, and moral norms in terms of justice.

中文: 以公正为前提,提出道德争议、道德问题和道德规范。

英文: Currently, ignoring moral conflicts in students' moral education is shown as: perceptive target of moral education leads to the neglect of moral conflicts spoon-feeding moral education leads to the stay of moral conflicts; oneness of moral educational app

中文: 当前学生道德教育中漠视道德冲突主要表现在:知性道德教育目标导致道德冲突的僭忘;灌输性道德教育方式导致道德冲突的滞留;单一性道德教育途径致使道德冲突解决的断裂。

英文: In the practice of moral freedom, the indetermination of individual moral expression leads to the risks of moral freedom.

中文: 在具体的实践过程中,由于个体在道德表达上的不确定性,导致了道德自由的风险。

英文: Moral freedom includes three dimensions of will freedom, moral right and moral ambit, which are related with each other.

中文: 摘要道德自由包括意志自由、道德权利与道德境界三个基本层面,三者相互联系,共同构成道德自由范畴的丰富内涵。

英文: Researching moral education can promote practice of moral education and guarantee moral education to be scientific and effective decisively.

中文: 摘要德育研究对推动德育实践,保证德育工作的科学性和实效性有不可忽视的作用。