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*['tɒ:pid]\na. 麻痹的, 迟缓的, 迟钝的, 蛰伏的\n【医】 迟钝的, 不活泼的, 缓慢的

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Marked by lethargy; torpid.

中文: 惰怠的以懒惰为特征的;呆钝的

英文: The two ships becalmed on a torpid sea, I believed to be marine phantoms.

中文: 两艘轮船停泊在水波不兴的海面上,我以为它们是海上的鬼怪。

英文: The cobras in torpid season, even though they were at . C, appeared to fast and to be motionless.

中文: 但在℃下蛰眠的眼镜蛇,还需动用大量脂肪。

英文: We are drawing a conclusion that the torpid of mortality and finitude in the human nature is the rudimentary cause.

中文: 有死有限存在的同时,无限与永恒的追求才成为可能与必然。 若人本身就是无限与永恒,便无需超越,无需追求无限与永恒;

英文: Objective: Syringomyelia, a common chronical degenerative disease in neurosurgery, characteristic as liquid porosis and gliosis, onsets delitescenctly and has a torpid progress.

中文: 目的:脊髓空洞症(Syringomyelia,SM)是神经外科领域中一种常见的慢性退行性疾病,起病隐匿、进展缓慢,以脊髓内含有液体空洞形成及胶质增生为病理特点。