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n.山顶,最高点;峰,山峰 a.高峰的,最高的

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Distribution: Sunset Peak, Lantau Peak; endemic to Hong Kong.

中文: 地理分布:香港特有种,仅见于大屿山的大东山和凤凰山。

英文: Feature used in this method include relative height of the peak, width of the peak and notable degree of the peak.

中文: 本方法依据的特征有峰的相对高度、峰的宽度、峰的显著度等。

英文: A sine wave has the same amplitude (distance from centerline to the top of a peak) and wavelength (distance from peak to peak) over time.

中文: 一个正弦波有固定的振幅(波峰顶部的高度)和波长(波峰的间距)。

英文: The Conghui point as the Yang peak and the Baihui point as the Yin peak.

中文: (听劲)一虚灵:头上虚灵顶,囱会穴为阳顶,百会穴为阴顶。

英文: Analyze the peak hourly capacity vs. peak hourly demand for burger patties. Can they produce enough burgers?

中文: 对汉堡肉饼的高峰时段产能和高峰时段供给做出分析。他们能生产出足够的汉堡吗?