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蜈蚣; 百足

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: You are now a poisonous centipede.

中文: “你现在是一只毒蜈蚣。

英文: Instinctively, he pushed off the centipede.

中文: 本能地,他拂去那一只蜈蚣。

英文: Lianchi talked to the centipede. Could you be that centipede I set free a while back? If you are, just sit there quietly and I'll teach you about Buddhism.

中文: 莲池对那条蜈蚣说,“你是我不久前放走的那条蜈蚣吗?如果是,就静静呆在那里,我来给你讲佛法。”

英文: On Some Centipede Species of the Genus Otostigmus From China (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae)

中文: 中国耳孔蜈蚣属(蜈蚣目:蜈蚣科)部分种类研究

英文: A huge, hairy, scary centipede was crawling up Master Lianchi's sleeve. His friend ran for a stick to brush it off, but the centipede wouldn't move. Lianchi didn't seem worried.

中文: 一只很大的、多足的、可怕的蜈蚣正爬在莲池大师的袖子上。他的朋友跑去拿来一只棍子要把它拨开,但是蜈蚣一动不动。莲池看起来一点也不担心。