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英文: Render to all the things due: tax to whom tax is due, custom to whom custom is due, fear to whom fear is due, honor to whom honor is due.

中文: 7凡人所当得的,就给他们:当得税的,就给他上税;当得捐的,就给他纳捐;当惧怕的,就惧怕他;当尊敬的,就尊敬他。

英文: The motive of the sexual relationship: .0% subjects commit sexual behavior due to the motive of physiological impulse, 9.% due to showing love, 8.8% due to curiosity, 9.07% due to forced, and 8.% due to greedy.

中文: 两性关系动机:由于生理冲动发生性关系的占.0%,由于表白爱情发生性关系的占9.%,由于好奇发生性关系的占8.8%,由于被迫发生性关系的占9.07%,由于贪钱物发生性关系的占8.%。

英文: Dyspnea due to CAD may coexist with that due to another cardiac disease.

中文: 由CAD引起的呼吸困难也可与其他疾病引起的呼吸困难同时存在。

英文: Certainly, urban population move, due question and due function which involved still must be discussed repeatedly until now, moreover due situation was complex.

中文: 当然,迁居涉及的问题和作用至今仍要反复探讨,而且情况复杂。

英文: This phenomenon was neither due to the barrier of language, nor due to different personalities.

中文: 这种现象既不是因为语言障碍,也不是因为不同的个性所致。