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n.贷款;出借,借出 v.借出

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Loan words in Japanese are phonetically translated loan words.

中文: 摘要日本语外来语是音译借用语。

英文: Loan sales, loss of interest owing on the loan?

中文: 贷款买房,提前还贷损失利息吗?

英文: You could get a 60% to 70% mortgage at the foreign bank (USD loan or RMB loan) or some Chinese bank (USD loan or RMB loan).

中文: 在外资银行,您可以申请贷款额为购房总款的60%到70%(美元或人民币贷款)或者在中国的银行(可贷美元或人民币)。

英文: The loan applies to the students who apply for overseas study loan and reeducation and advanced study loan, etc.

中文: 贷款适用于学生的出国留学贷款、再教育进修贷款等。

英文: Personal housing additional mortgage loan means a loan lent by ICBC to any existing personal housing loan client for its house purchase and household consumption taking the former loan collateral as a security.

中文: 个人住房加按揭贷款是指对工行现有个人住房贷款客户发放的以原贷款抵押物为担保的用于购买住房及家居消费的贷款。