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Sinew-Soothing Decoction




英文: Collagen is the main protein of sinew, cartilage, bone and skin.

中文: 胶原是腱、软骨、骨、皮肤的主要蛋白质。

英文: It gives a brief introduce on working theory, combination of proventing soil wall with sinew soil and on structure material, calculation of proveuting soil plank, tensil sinew, restuffing material.

中文: 文中对加筋土挡土墙的工作原理、组成以及挡土板、拉筋、回填料的结构、材料与计算作了概括介绍。

英文: This article is a exeniple which the principle of sinew soil is applied to engineering.

中文: 摘要本文是加筋土原理在工程实践中应用的一个实例。

英文: The chains of love are never so binding as when the links are made of gold. Money is the sinew of love as well as war.

中文: 若非金钱为媒,爱情岂能长久维系。爱情与战争,哪样都需要钱财的支撑。