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n. 不定式a.不定的

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: In this paper, first, Research of infinitive as subject in German in recent years is reviewed, and the concept of infinitive as subject is presented, based on the introduction of concept, characteristic and syntactic position of infinitive, the syntactic

中文: 本文首先对语言学家近年来对不定式作宾语的研究现况做出简单介绍,对不定式作宾语做出概念的界定,并在介绍宾语不定式概念,特征及句法位置的基础上,重点分析了不定式作宾语时的句法作用,特别对不定式作宾语时的潜在主语进行论述,同时介绍不定式作宾语时的主句动词的语义分类。

英文: It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.

中文: 将不定式分割永远是错误的.

英文: Some verbs are followed by a to-infinitive clause. The subject of the verb is also the subject of the to-infinitive clause.

中文: 有些动词后接不定式,动词的主语和不定式的主语相一致。

英文: To break up the monopoly in administration is an infinitive phrase used as the sentence subject.

中文: 译文:打破行政垄断将是各个经济部门重新进行结构调整的过程。

英文: Are verb forms in the infinitive the same as base verbs in meaning and form?

中文: 在不定式里的动词和动词原形在意思和形式上是不是一样的?