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英文: Yet for thickness shear actuators, due to the shear deformation dominates the plate deflection for shear actuation mechanism, the higher order shear theory can provide more accurate evaluation of the shear strain energy of the plate than the first-order o

中文: 但对于厚度剪切型激励器而言,由于激励器主要是引起板的剪切变形,而高阶剪切变形理论比一阶剪切变形理论能更好地反映结构的剪切应变能,因此高阶剪切变形理论可以提供板变形的更为精确的解。

英文: After cutting, shear section shall be checked for no lamination and shear crack.

中文: 切割后,应检验切割部分有无夹层,切割裂纹。

英文: The times of feed mechanism punching shear is started from 0 it can shear in free scope.

中文: 送料机构冲剪次数从0开始,任意范围内皆能剪断。

英文: The shear actuation mechanism of piezoelectric materials was researched in this paper and three-order shear deformation theory was used to model smart laminated plates with shear mode piezoelectric actuators.

中文: 本文对于压电材料的剪切作动机制进行研究,应用三阶剪切变形理论建立带剪切型压电激励器的智能层合板模型。

英文: Calculate shear modulus based on empirical relations for dry P-wave and shear modulus, as in equation (6).

中文: 计算基于干燥P波模量和剪切模量关系的剪切模量,如方程6。