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n.税(款),负担 v.对…征税,使负重担

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Legal non-payment of tax is called “tax avoidance ”, illegal non-payment is “tax ~”.

中文: 合法的不交税叫“避税”,非法的不交税叫“逃税”。

英文: New to the taxpayers, tax rates, deductions, tax concessions with respect to the existing tax laws have many differences, it achieved, foreign enterprise income tax law, the unity of unifying tax laws, unified tax rate, and the unified tax deduction harmo

中文: 新法在纳税人、税率、扣除、税收优惠等方面与现行税法有诸多不同,它实现了内,外资企业所得税法的统一,在“统一税法,统一税率,统一税前扣除,统一税收优惠”的四个统一基础上,对税收的征管方式实行了某些变革。

英文: B: In the turnover tax system, what's the relationship between the Business Tax, the Value-added Tax and the Consumption Tax?

中文: 您刚才谈到了流转税,在流转税体系中,营业税与增值税、消费税是怎样的一种关系?

英文: Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau.

中文: 税务局:这里是涉外分局。

英文: Tax official: This is the foreign tax bureau.

中文: 税务局:这里是涉外分局。