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n.喷雾,飞沫,浪花,水花 v.喷,喷射

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Spraying method whether by air spray, airless spray, hot air spray or hot airless spray should be in accordance with the following.

中文: 空气喷涂,无空气喷涂,热空气喷涂或无空气热喷涂均应遵循以下原则。

英文: Spray-paint system: automatic paint spraying gun, automatic static spraying gun, all kinds of water curtain spray-paint room, water revolving spray paint room,“Ω” spray-paint room.

中文: 喷漆系统:自动油漆喷枪、自动静电喷枪、各种水帘式、水旋式、Ω式油漆喷房。

英文: Interchangeable spray-can nozzles fitted to can to vary width of spray.

中文: 可互换的水沫-罐子喷嘴适合将改变水沫的宽度装于漆灌。

英文: Once the ponytail is all backcombed, spray with Satinique Advanced Finishing Spray.

中文: 刷松马尾后,喷上仙姬持久造型喷雾。

英文: Powder flame spray and spray fusig gun,with various powder nozzles attached, can do spray coating with fine metallic powder and ceramic powder.

中文: 粉末火焰喷涂喷焊设备,配有各种粉末喷嘴,能喷涂金属微细粉末和氧化物涂层。