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英文: We specialize in producing, processing and selling various of glasses such as tempered glass, insulated glass, laminated glass, fire-resistant glass, coated glass, bend glass, inlaid glass, glass furniture, artistic glass, artistic mirror etc.

中文: 我们专业生产加工并出售的玻璃品种有:钢化玻璃,中空玻璃,夹胶安全玻璃,防火玻璃,彩釉/焗漆玻璃,弯玻璃,镶嵌中空玻璃,玻璃家具,艺术工艺玻璃,艺术镜子等。

英文: Main products: The glasses for cars include sandwich glass, toughened glass and zone toughened glass, altogether mote than 1000 types; The construction glassws include toughened glass, sandwich glass, hollow glass, bulled-proff glass and curved glass.

中文: 汽车用玻璃有夹层玻璃、钠化玻璃、区域钢化玻璃三大类,一千多个品种;建筑用玻璃有钢化玻璃、夹层玻璃、中空玻璃、防弹玻璃和弯弧玻璃。

英文: In modem building,there are all kinds of building guarding glass,such as tempered glass,sandwich glass,hollow glass,float glass,coated glass,etc,These kinds of glass are of different features,but none of these glass types have heat-resistant and flameproo

中文: 在现代建筑上,用于建筑物外围护的玻璃有各种各样,诸如钢化玻璃、夹层玻璃、中空玻璃、浮法玻璃、镀膜玻璃等等,这些玻璃性能各异,但是这些玻璃品种均不具备耐热防火的功能,一旦发生火灾时玻璃将在很短时间内破裂,使火灾得以蔓延,人们的生命安全和财产受到严重威胁。

英文: 【Products introduction】 Quartz glass, UV Quartz glass piece, Quartz glass tube, Quartz apparatus,Quartz heating apparatus, Quartz glass process, Opaque quartz glass, Optics quartz glass, Sapphire, Quartz products, Quartz ceramics, Quartz crucible, Oven.

中文: 石英玻璃,UV石英片,石英玻璃管,石英仪器,石英加热器,石英玻璃加工,不透明石英玻璃,光学石英玻璃,氟化钙,蓝宝石,石英制品,石英陶瓷,石英坩埚,烘道.烘箱,涂装生产线。

英文: The present glass - spacers are c1aified as glass fiber spacer and glass ball spacer.

中文: 目前,液晶显示器所用的玻璃衬垫主要分爲玻璃纤维衬垫和玻璃微珠衬垫。