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public hearing


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英文: Abstract: This thesis discussed how to limit the death penalty and guarantee its quality from the perspective of procedure which includes 3 questions: First, there have several issues need to be solved for the second public hearing trial; Second, it's not

中文: 内容提要:本文从三个方面讨论了如何从程序上限制死刑、保证死刑案件的质量,分析了落实死刑案件二审开庭所要解决的问题,指出应利用死刑复核收回这一机会完善相关制度,并提出加强死刑案件辩护的若干建议。        更详细...
英文: Article 4 When holding a public hearing under Paragraph 2, Article 5 of the Act, the central authority shall invite the ownership holders of the lands in the special area, the local municipal or county (city) government, township/city/district office, res

中文: 第4条中央主管机关依本条例第五条第二项规定举办公听会时,应邀请特定区内私有土地所有权人、当地直辖市、县(市)政府、乡(镇、市、区)公所、居民及专家、学者参加,并于可行性规划报告书(图)公告时,将公听会之日期及地点刊登当地公报或新闻纸三日,及函嘱当地乡(镇、市、区)公所张贴于该公所之公告牌。        更详细...
英文: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.

中文: 人人完全平等地有权由一个独立而无偏倚的法庭进行公正和公开的审讯,以确定他的权利和义务并判定对他提出的任何刑事指控。        更详细...
英文: It is expected that lawyers, prosecutors, the accused and victims will be able to take part in public hearing in future to avoid any wrongful executions.

中文: 未来,律师、检查官、被告以及受害人将有望参与公开听审,避免任何错误的审判。        更详细...
英文: The Standing Committee of the National People”s Congress (NPC), China”s top legislature, decided to put the issue of cutoff point to a public hearing as the adjustment is of widespread concern.

中文: 人大常委会—中国最高立法机构,按公众的意见进行个人所得税调整做了仔细的考虑。        更详细...

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