英文: From the amount of uranium 235 consumed, they calculated the total energy released, 15,000 megawatt-years, and from this and other evidence were able to work out the average power output, which was probably less than 100 kilowatts—say, enough to run a few
中文: 科学家根据铀235消耗的量,估计释放的总能量,相当于功率1500万千瓦的机器运作一年所产生的能量;而由此和其它证据,能推算平均输出功率大致低于100千瓦,约能供应几十个烤面包机运作。
英文: Perfectly matched to power supplies where average power and peak power differ greatly, with magnetic saturation kept minimum.?
中文: 适用于平均功率与最高功率差距较大但磁饱和却保持最小电源.
英文: This algorithm firstly calculates the average power serial, and then finishes the detection of PN code rate through the analysis of frequency spectrum and smooth processing.
中文: 该算法首先计算序列的平均功率,然后对其进行谱分析并作平滑处理而完成伪码速率的判定。