英文: CFX utilizes a user-specified fire and is expressed in terms of a series of time rates of energy. In CFX the fire is defined as a volumetric heat source.
中文: CFX把火源设置成体积热源,但是有文章说火灾模拟中要设置释热速率和烟生成率,在子域里好像不能设置和时间有关的源项,烟的扩散也在源项中设置吗?
英文: The core client now checks whether disk usage exceeds user-specified limits, and if so it deletes projects files in a way that respects project resource shares.
中文: 核心客户端现在不仅检查磁盘使用是否超标,而且当超标时会按照项目资源共享设置删除项目文件。
英文: This article provides a simple program that acts as a debugger while running another user-specified application.
中文: 这个项目提供了一个调试器程序,可以调试另一个运行着的用户说明的程序。