英文: Chinese: As I see it, the difference in our style of living explains it. Your food is too rich and fattening and you don't take enough exercises.
中文: 中:依我看,东西方生活方式的差异就是解释。你们吃的东西过于油腻,而且你们缺乏足够的体育活动。
英文: Do you avoid fattening foods?
中文: 你拒绝吃让人发胖的食物吗?
英文: For weeks, the Phoenix Suns have been feasting on other teams in the league, fattening their win column along morsels that really had no substance to them.
中文: 在过去的几周里,太阳队令联盟的其他球队闻风丧胆,他们的胃口很大,大得离奇,并越来越大。
英文: Accordint to the fattening data of Huainan Swine from 987-989, the phenotypic and genetic parameters of fattening and caress characters are calculated.
中文: 根据987~989年淮南猪肥育试验资料,估测了肥育与胴体性状的表型和遗传参数。
英文: b) culled bull caves, grazed at the grassland a the fattening period, gaind 0.98 kg/d liveweight and reached 7 . kg averagely at the . monthes.
中文: 头淘汰小公牛草地全放牧育肥,个月零天出栏,平均体重达7 .kg,每头日增重0.98kg。