英文: A new study raises the possibility that all that sunshine increases the risk of papilloma virus infection.
中文: 最新研究表明,日光照射增加了感染乳头瘤病毒的机会。
英文: Because the human papilloma virus (HPV) has been linked to some of these lesions, there remains the further possibility of spread with cold kniferesection.
中文: 此种瘤又常与人类乳头状瘤病毒相关联,而简单的外科手术切除方式无法消灭其病毒甚至可能造成病毒的扩散,以致乳头状瘤复发。
英文: Complete resection of recurrent conjunctival papilloma frequently may be exceedingly difficult, since such lesions are typically friable and multiobulated.
中文: 摘要复发性结膜乳头状瘤由于病灶呈多处性而且组织脆弱容易出血,常造成外科手术无法完全切除乾净。
英文: Compressible non ascularized reflectie material in a widened lactiferous duct. Puncture reealed only signs of infection but no papilloma or carcinoma.
中文: 扩张的输乳管可压缩,其内有无血流信号的低回声物质,穿刺显示仅有感染征象,无乳头状瘤或癌。
英文: At the same time,We also found that vulvar blackened disorder was affected by human virus or papilloma virus 8 by the means of PCR,positive rate of HPV was about 8.8% and HPV 8 was 9.%.
中文: 同时进行PCR法检测乳头瘤病毒(HPV)、8型DNA,其结果表明,HPVDNA的阳性率占88%,HPV8DNA阳性率为9%。