*['du:mzdei]\nn. 世界末日
英文: And a third of the planet's animals and plants could be wiped out. The doomsday scenario is the bleakest yet from scientists, who blamed man-made greenhouse gases.
中文: 这个星球三分之一的动物和植物可能会遭到灭绝.世界末日的设想是科学家们迄今认为不太可能的,他们同时指责了人为的温室气体.
英文: As millions of Tokyo commuters rode the packed subway trains the morning of March 20, 1995, members of a Japanese doomsday cult placed plastic bags filled with liquid on the floors of several cars and pierced them with umbrella tips.
中文: 1995年3月20日,当成百万的东京通勤者乘坐挤满人群的地铁时,日本奥姆真理教的成员把一袋袋装满液体的塑胶袋放置在几辆车厢的地板上,然后用雨伞尖把袋子戳破。
英文: Come by the well, get off a strange fellow from bunch in the woods, what seven stars talk to link a gleam of, doomsday will be expired by etc., finish saying and run away.
中文: 来到井边,从林子里串出一个奇怪的家伙,说什么七星连成一线,末日将至等等,说完便跑开了。
英文: In this nail biting doomsday thriller, celebrated author Daniel Koontz tells the story of a community cut off from the outside while the entire world is under siege by a malicious alien force.
中文: 在这部扣人心弦的末日论惊险小说中,著名作家丹尼尔·孔兹讲述的故事是关于一个社区在全世界都受到外星邪恶势力的围攻之时,却与外部世界失去了联系。
英文: Lensman. E.E. DocSmith. Classic space opera with pure-as-Boy-Scout heros and unrelentingly evil bad guys fighting for control of planet-squishing doomsday devices.
中文: 经典的太空歌剧,讲述了男童子军般纯朴的英雄和无情的邪恶坏蛋为潮湿行星的“世界末日装置”的控制而战斗。