英文: NASDAQ is an acronym for Nation Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotationsand is the principal recording device for transactions on the over-the-counter market.
中文: 纳斯达克)是全国证券交易商自动报价协会的首写字母缩写,是证券直销市场交易的主要记录系统。
英文: The inspection station shall have washing facilities including soap and paper towel for inspector, hot water attemperature above 83 °C to disinfect inspection tools, carcass counter and recording device with its placement facility.The facility shall be pl
中文: 五检查站内应设具有清洁剂、擦手纸巾之检查人员洗手设施、检查用具之摄氏八十三度以上热水灭菌设备、屠宰只数计数器、记录用具及其放置设备,其设置地点应便于检查员使用。