英文: Article 44 Coal mining enterprises must provide accidental injury insurance for miners working underground and pay premiums.
中文: 第四十四条煤矿企业必须为煤矿井下作业职工办理意外伤害保险,支付保险费。
英文: If the Insured must be hospitalized through diagnosis for any accidental injury or disease (including SARS), this company shall be liable for the actual and reasonable expenses for medical treatment including nursing fee (limited to RMB100 Yuan per day),
中文: 被保险人因意外伤害事故或因疾病(含SARS),经医院诊断必须住院治疗,本公司就其实际支出的护理费(限额100元/天)、床位费(限额100元/天)、手术费、药费、治疗费、化验费、放射费、检查费等合理医疗费用,按100%给付“住院医疗保险金”,累计给付金额以约定的保险金额为限。
英文: In the event that any minor children who are traveling together are unattended due to the accidental injury or acute disease suffered by the insured, the Company will arrange via its Assistance Company to repatriate the minor children to China via an econ
中文: 被保险人遭受意外伤害事故或突发急性病,其随行的未成年子女无人照料时,本公司可通过救援机构安排经济交通方式送其子女回国,且尽可能使用其子女的原始回程票。
英文: Once the Authorized Doctor confirms that the insured who is suffering from any accidental injury or acute disease needs any medical assistance, the Company will arrange via its Assistance Company the nearest hospital to provide medical care to the insured
中文: 被保险人遭受意外伤害事故或突发急性病,经授权医生确认需要医疗援助的,本公司将通过救援机构安排被保险人至最近的医院就医或安排离事发地最近的医生至事发地为被保险人治疗并承担相应的运送费用。
英文: Reimburses the actual medical expenses due to an accidental injury or sickness.
中文: 赔偿因罹患疾病或意外事故,而导致的实际医药费用。