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A person used to tra ort drugs or contraband from one place to another.

A person trained in Jewish law, ritual, and tradition and ordained for leadership of a Jewish congregation, especially one serving as chief religious official of a synagogue. 犹太的法学博士在犹太法律、仪式及传统方面受过训练的人,并被任命主持犹太教集会,尤指在犹太教堂中作为主要神职的人员
A person traveling on foot; a walker. 行人,步行的人走着旅行的人;步行者
A person under the age of 12 shall not be guilty of an offence under subsection (1) by reason only of his bathing unclothed. 年龄在12岁以下的人,不会仅因沐浴时不穿衣服而犯第(1)款所订罪行。
A person unduly fearful or contemptuous of that which is foreign, especially of strangers or foreign peoples. 恐外者对于外来事物,尤对陌生人或外国人特别恐惧或憎恨的人
A person used by another as a dupe or tool. 被愚弄的人作为蠢物或工具而被人利用的人
A person used to tra ort drugs or contraband from one place to another. 被用来从一地到另一地运送毒品或违禁品的人。
A person used to transport drugs or contraband from one place to another. 被用来从一地到另一地运送毒品或违禁品的人。
A person using a P-time orientation, for example, will stop a conversation with one person to take a phone call from another, especially a friend or relative. 多元时间导向的人可能打断正在进行的谈话,去接另一个人尤其是亲戚朋友的电话。
A person visits the newsstand to buy a recent edition of the New York Times. 一个人来到报摊,要买一份最近的纽约时代杂志。
A person walked for a long time, could be tired, has a person,accompanied you to expose to the sun the sun in the winter afternoon,handed over cup of steaming hot green tea for you, slowly aged withthe beloved person, what but also had to be happier than 一个人走得久了,会累,有个人,陪你在冬日的午后晒太阳,为你递上一杯热气腾腾的绿茶,和心爱的人慢慢变老,还有什么比这更幸福呢?
A person walking into Starbucks with four papers folded under his wing is immediately taken for a mogul. 臂弯夹着四份报纸走进星巴克的人一看就是大人物。

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