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a. 松弛的

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英文: Virtual Adepts: Broad possibilities... the spirit is willing, but the flesh is flaccid.

中文: 虚无党:宽广的前景……敏捷的精神,虚弱的肉体。

英文: Preliminary Report on Eelworm Type by Microscopy in Hardromestome of Flaccid Pine in Ninbo

中文: 宁波萎蔫松树木质部内线虫类型镜检初报

英文: Week 4-8 – Your penis will have grown in length and will possess much more thickness in both erect and flaccid states.

中文: 第四到第八星期阴茎开始迅速增长加厚.不论是在勃起或疲软时都有明显的尺寸增长.

英文: He developed paralysis in the four extremities with flaccid muscle 5 days after admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), and delayed weaning once the sepsis was under control.

中文: 在入加护病房住院第五天时发现四肢瘫痪及肌肉无力而且当败血症已控制后却仍然难以脱离呼吸器。

英文: Preparation for construction: the surface of the under layer should be even and firm, and in accordance with the design requirement, without loose material and flaccid site, and need to reroll 2~3 times within full-width range of the subgrade with vibrati

中文: 施工准备:施工前下承层表面要平整、坚实,符合设计要求,无松散材料和软弱地点,施工前要用振动压路机在路基全宽范围内复压2~3遍,同时进行压实度及弯沉检验,检查土基中是否有不合格点。