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英文: In reality, careers and the workplace perplex me entirely.

中文: 实际上,事业和职场这两样东西我完全搞不懂。

英文: The amount of divergence is a subtle affair, liable to perplex the Englishman when he looks at America.

中文: 差异的多寡是件极为微妙的事务,这极容易使一个英国人在审视美国时大惑不解。

英文: Perplex=stresses puzzlement resulting in uncertainty or anxiety, as over attaining comprehension, reaching a decision, or finding a solution.

中文: 强调由半信半疑或焦虑而引起的困惑,例如:当想要达到理解、做出决定或寻找解决方案时。

英文: Though some entries may perplex and infuriate lingusitic pursits, the dictionary's publishers say words are only included if they are well-known and have proven they can pass the test of time.

中文: 虽然当中有些词可能会让语言学家觉得困惑甚至生气,不过字典编辑部说,只有流行的词才会被纳入字典,时间会证明这些词语的作用的。

英文: The online archives, which will be updated as new cases are reported, catalogues in minute detail cases ranging from the easily dismissed to a handful that continue to perplex even hard-nosed scientists.

中文: 网上档案,将更新为新举报、目录格物下,从一小撮轻易解雇惑,甚至继续强硬科学家.