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n. 气管

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Food breathed into the windpipe can cause choking.

中文: 吸进气管的食物会造成窒息。

英文: Experiment materials: jar, windpipe, limewater, flume and the experiment record chart for each group.

中文: 学生用材料:广口瓶、导气管、石灰水、火柴、集气瓶、水槽和小组实验记录表。

英文: Katie Nicole Williams choked after the fruit became lodged in her windpipe at her home near Preston, Lancashire.

中文: 凯蒂.妮可.威廉斯在她位于兰开夏郡普勒斯顿附近的家中,因为葡萄卡在气管而噎到。

英文: Special windpipe is adopted for the heating system. featuring quick heating, recyclable heat energy, thus the electric energy can be saved.

中文: 加热系统采用特殊风管设计,加热恰、热能回收、节省电力。

英文: Researchers are developing sensors that pick up the subtle changes in the larynx and mouth when words are formed, even if there is little or no air going through the windpipe.

中文: 研究人员正在研发一种传感设备,该设备可以采集说话时喉与嘴的微妙变化,即使很少或根本没有空气通过气管也不影响其功效。