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英文: This article discusses risk assessment of urban earthquake disaster, which includes risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, disaster prevention and mitigation capacity assessment.

中文: 摘要从危险性评价、易损性评价以及防灾减灾能力评价3个方面阐述了城市地震灾害风险评价内容。

英文: The assessment organization should make objective and impartial assessment.

中文: 职业卫生技术服务机构所作评价应当客观、真实。

英文: A brief introduction of the representative assessment standards for river health overseas is given, and then the measures and key points of physical-chemical assessment, habitat assessment, hydrological assessment and bio-assessment are reviewed respectiv

中文: 文中简要介绍了国外河流健康评估具有代表性的技术标准,对于物理-化学评估、生物栖息地评估、水文评估、生物评估的方法和要点分别作了评述。

英文: According to the purpose of applying corporate culture assessment, we could divide the research into three kinds: corporate culture type assessment, corporate culture risk assessment and corporate culture effecting assessment.

中文: 目前企业文化的评估研究依据其应用目的可分为企业文化类型评估、企业文化风险评估和企业文化效果评估三种类型。

英文: Seed Recalcitrance:a Current Assessment

中文: 种子顽拗性:最新评价(英文)