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n. 章;回,篇

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Provides the manufacturefirst-class official seal, the finance chapter, the receiptspecial-purpose chapter, the contract special-purpose chapter,accountant the chapter and so on the entire wrap company chapter ofprice preferential benefit.

中文: 提供制作一流的公章、财务章、发票专用章、合同专用章、会计章等整套公司章价格更加优惠。

英文: The rubber chapter, is organic chapter, niu jiao chapter, the atomic chapter: Circular, oblate, rectangle, square,according to yours use choice shape, size, concrete discussion.

中文: 橡胶章、有机章、牛角章、原子章:圆形、扁圆形、长方形、正方形,根据您的用途选择形状、大小,具体商谈。

英文: Pratt, Chapter 6, Review Chapter 3, especially pp. 83-85, The principles of matching and revenue recognition, Chapter 4, p. 126 Unearned (Deferred) Revenues.

中文: 英特尔:《收入认列》第54页,及资产负债表中的<装运至分配之递延收入>。

英文: A chapter of the story.

中文: 第二部分包括一小段故事.

英文: This chapter has four sections.

中文: 这一章有四节。