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set off


句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Losses of the PBC shall be setoff by allocations of the central finance.

中文: 中国人民银行的亏损由中央财政拨款弥补。

英文: Of course, this also makes the disadvantage: their beauty cannot be showed as much as possible for the lack of a setoff served by a more unique spiritual style.

中文: 当然,缺点也在这里:她们的美丽还缺少一种更独特的气韵作陪衬,从而美得有些力不从心。

英文: We are likely to begin with subject and setoff, figure and sensation of movement, apace and entity, style of photography works these aspects to display application in falseness and truth, concealment and revelation this opposite and untied relation, thus

中文: 在体育摄影中,我们可以从主体与陪衬、线条与动感、空间与实体,摄影作品风格等几个方面来加以虚实藏露这一对立统一关系的运用,从而使画面带有动感,空间感,更加深刻地揭示主趣。