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*[in'eptitju:d]\nn. 不适当, 愚笨, 愚昧言行\n【法】 不称职, 无能, 不适当

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: The main reason for delay seems to be the inexperience or ineptitude of local officials.

中文: 秘鲁政府需要花费220亿美元来加强其基础建设,从而与邻国智利的基建水平持平。

英文: Perhaps sensing my ineptitude, the program generated a second shooter who appeared on my display as a flickering soldier.

中文: 也许感应到我的笨拙,于是程式送来了另一名射击手,我的显示器上出现了一名忽隐忽现的士兵。

英文: The Prime Minister kept on top of the Opposition more by their ineptitude than by his own skill.

中文: 是反对党的无能,而非他个人的领导艺术,使该首相处于优势地位。

英文: But it is more important not to think lies, or to slide into those mechanical and untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy as descents to mental ineptitude.

中文: 但是更重要的是不去想谎言,也不陷入无意识的、不诚实的思维习惯,这种思维习惯如此他令人惬意和自在,就象沦为智力低能一样。