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英文: To develop recycling economy, it is necessary to establish scientific concept of consumption, advocate recycling consumption, set up a policy system favoring recycling consumption and strengthen development of recycling consumption technology, so as to ma

中文: 大力发展循环经济,需要树立科学的消费观念、倡导循环消费、建立有利于循环消费的政策体系、加强循环消费技术的开发等,使贵州建设成为一个可持续发展的、适宜生活的现代化生态型省份。

英文: Consumption of carbonated soft drinks peaked in 1998, when consumption was 56.1 gallons per person.

中文: 碳酸饮料的消费在1998年达到最大值,消费量为每人56.1加仑.

英文: She developed symptoms of consumption.

中文: 她显示了肺结核的症状。

英文: Lopsided cultural consumption can be shown as two forms: distortion of mental consumption and deregulation of consumption behavior, both of which may affect crime directly and indirectly.

中文: 畸型文化消费表现为消费心理扭曲、消费行为反常,其对犯罪的影响有直接作用和间接作用两种模式。

英文: He has proposed some views on the consumption ethics thought; the active consumption view Excessive frugality will cause the world to be filled with poverty, the appropriate consumption view thrift and consumption of different levels for proprietiesand th

中文: 荀子在消费伦理思想上提出了“天下尚俭而弥贫”的适度消费观、“节用以礼、等差消费”的节度消费观和“节用固本、欲民富国”的节约消费观。