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英文: Attention: the above was translated from an ironic(al) novel in Chinese.

中文: 注意:以上文章是我翻译自一篇讽刺性中文,略有删节.

英文: “Rosen Ritter” has not been entrusted with heavy responsibility due to its ironic(al) history and the background of the troop members.

中文: 由于部队的历史及成员的逃亡身份,「蔷薇骑士连」因此一直不被军方重用。

英文: He who has much looked on at the childish satisfaction of other people in their hobbies, will regard his own with only a very ironic(al) indulgence.

中文: 一个人如果常常观察别人对于个人兴趣爱好所流露出的孩子气般的满足,那他也会以一种幽默的宽容态度来对待自己的兴趣爱好。

英文: What is ironic(al) is that whereas an adult will never lose all the imagination of childhood, we will soon have to struggle deadly under the reality.

中文: (例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。

英文: [KEY] What is ironic(al) is that although an adult should never completely lose the light of his childhood imagination, sooner or later we have to knuckle down to reality.

中文: (例子)讽刺的是尽管一个成年人永远不会彻底失去童年时代的想象力,然而不久我们不得不在现实下疲于奔命。