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英文: The wonderful stones in Yangtse gorges are often classified :Multicolored stone, Ancient living creature fossil ,resemble stone, rain drop stone, ,life mountain stone, veins stone, document stone, fish tank stone, the foot health care stone.

中文: 三峡奇石分类:五彩石、古生物化石、象形石、雨花石、寿山石、纹理石、文案石、鱼缸石、足疗保健石。

英文: Fixed capital amount to one million and fifty thousands, introducing new technology and techniques we can produce granite, step-stone, mushroom-stone, side-stone, road-edge stone, square stone, stone material, carve stone and gravestone.

中文: 本厂有固定资金150万,引用先进的科学技术和工艺,生产了花岗岩、台阶石、蘑菇石、侧石、路沿石、广场石、石材、雕刻、墓碑。

英文: Has collected various and hidden the stone in the garden, including having characteristic Sanxia picture stone here most, the stone of the natural pictograph, there are agate stones, cured stone, the crystal stone, the stone of Lingbi, stone of the garden

中文: 苑内收藏了各种藏石,包括最具本地特色的三峡画面石,自然象形石,还有玛瑙石,腊石,水晶石,灵璧石,园林石等等,其形态独特,真实自然。

英文: The main products are as follows: construction stone, tomb stone, stone carving, white marble arts, city representation, garden figure, rare stone and so on.

中文: 公司生产的主要产品有:建筑石材、中西式墓碑、石雕(刻)制品、汉白玉精品、城市雕塑、园林景观、奇石怪石等。

英文: Stone Tablets: The CMM is not engraved on stone tablets.

中文: 石碑:CMM并不是雕刻在石碑上的。