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英文: Learnfrom your mistakes and never do anything that can potentially result inyour ads being clicked on fraudulently again.

中文: 吸取教训,不要再做任何可能导致欺诈点击的事了。

英文: Any unit or individual person shall not buy, sell, transfer or fraudulently use the bills, medicine bags, labels for pharmaceutical preparations, and medical documents such as medical record card, prescription pad, examination application, examination rep

中文: 任何单位或者个人不得买卖、出借、转让或者冒用标有医疗机构名称的票据、药品分装袋、制剂标签以及病历卡、处方笺、检查申请单、检查报告单、检查证明书、疾病证明、出生证明或者死亡证明等医疗文件。

英文: It standardized the way states issue drivers' licenses, and established a more robust verification process for applicants and tamper-resistant security features, thus making it more difficult for terrorists to fraudulently obtain such identification docum

中文: 法案要求规范驾驶执照的发放方式,并加强申请人的核查过程及防伪安全性能,从而使防止恐怖分子骗取身份证明文件。

英文: Article 18 An employing entity that forges, alters, fraudulently uses or transfers employment permits shall be ordered to make corrections by the administrative department of labor and social security, and be fined 1000 yuan, and the said employing entity

中文: 第十八条用人单位伪造、涂改、冒用、转让就业证的,由劳动保障行政部门责令其改正,并处1000元罚款,该用人单位一年内不得聘雇台、港、澳人员。

英文: It shall be unlawful for any officer, director, or affiliated person of an issuer to take any action, in contravention of a rule adopted by the SEC, to fraudulently influence, coerce, manipulate, or mislead any independent public or certified accountant e

中文: 上市公司的任何官员、董事或相关人员违反证券交易委员会的规定,欺诈性地影响、强迫、操纵或误导对上市公司财务报表进行审计的独立注册会计师,使其提供重大误导的财务报表的行为,均为违法。