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英文: 【Serviceable Range】It refers to vaginal looseness, vaginal abnormal flavor, leucorrhea with red and white discharge, senile vaginitis, trichomonal vaginitis, colpomycosis, pruritus vulvae, pelvic inflammation, endometritis, appendagitis, cervical erosion,

中文: 适用于阴道松弛、阴道异味、赤白带下、老年性阴道炎、滴虫阴道炎、霉菌性阴道炎、外阴瘙痒、盆腔炎、子宫内膜炎、附件炎、宫颈糜烂、子宫肌瘤、卵巢囊肿、息肉、月经不调、痛经不适、分泌物过多,宫颈炎、支原体感染,内分泌失调以及这些疾病引起的下腹疼痛、月经不调、痛经、外阴瘙痒、白带异味、面色灰暗黄褐斑等。

英文: Objective:To understand the mycoplasma infection rate and drug sensitivity in patients with nongonococcal cervicitis(vaginitis) in Guangxi provice.

中文: 目的:了解广西地区非淋球菌性宫颈(阴道)炎患者支原体的感染情况及药物敏感情况。

英文: 【Action and Use】The treatment of endometritis, pyometra, vaginitis, cervicitis, puerperal disorders, and local bleeding from the uterus,acutemastitis,fester .

中文: 防治子宫内膜炎、子宫积脓、阴道炎、子宫颈炎、产后子宫弛缓、子宫局部出血、急性乳房炎,外科脓疮等。

英文: Conclusion The effect of the microwave ducting consociation Dakeningshuan cures the serious candidal vaginitis was good, which deserved spreading in the clinic.

中文: 论:微波导入联合达克宁栓治疗严重念珠菌阴道炎效果好,值得临床推广。

英文: Indications: Irregular menstruation, abnormal vaginal discharge, symptoms before &after menstruation, pelvic inflammatory disease, dysmenorrhea, vaginitis, infertility, menopause, syndrome, osteoporosis, nursing after giving birth, and other disease of gy

中文: 主治:月经异常、带下、月经前后诸症、骨盆腔炎、痛经、阴道炎、不孕症、更年期症候群、产后调理、骨质疏松症。