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v.炮击;轰炸;攻击, 痛斥

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: The media bombard people with advertisements.

中文: 媒体中充满了各样动人心弦的广告。

英文: In Croatia, forces of the Yugoslav People's Army bombard Dubrovnik after laying siege there since May.

中文: 1991年,在克罗地亚,自从5月包围杜勃罗文克以来,南斯拉夫人民军的武装对其实施了炮轰。

英文: Mum's the word on what is in store for his fans but Wang revealed that two grand pianos would be in place to bombard them with a medley of his and Lin's favourites.

中文: 虽然在歌迷面前对演唱会细节三缄其口,但力宏还是透露舞台上会置放两台两人最爱的三角形钢琴,届时他们会一起合奏、合唱,以组曲方式擦出音乐的火花。

英文: At the same time,the American Law Institute—a group of judges,lawyers,and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight—issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a

中文: 与此同时,美国法学会——一群法官、律师和学者,他们的建议举足轻重——公布了新的民事侵权法纲要,说明公司不必警示顾客留意显而易见的危险,而且也不必给顾客列出一份冗长的清单,列举可能造成的各种危险。

英文: At the same time, the American Law Institute——a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight——issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them wi

中文: 与此同时,美国法律研究所——由一群法官、律师和理论专家组成,他们的建议分量极重——发布了新的民事伤害法令指导方针,宣称公司不必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再提请他们注意一些可能会出现的危险。