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n. 动物学家

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: By daring to speak out, zoologist Fan Wenshi is helping to save a species.

中文: 由于动物学家潘文石敢于仗义执言,他帮助挽救了一个种群。

英文: Local people thought the zoologist was an evil person and the jury decided he was guilty.

中文: 当地人认为动物学家是个邪恶的人,陪审团也裁定他有罪。

英文: A journ alist went to interview a zoologist who stu d ied go rillas in the jungle.

中文: 一名新闻记者前去采访一位在丛林里研究大猩猩的动物学家。

英文: On the whole, though, the continent's rhino populations are well managed and growing, said zoologist Simon Milledge, who authored the study.

中文: 该研究作者的动物学家米雷基表示,虽然整体而言,非洲大陆的犀牛数量已受到妥善控制,并持续增加中。

英文: The zoologist had spent along time living with go rillas and had sav ed the life of a junior go rilla.

中文: 这位动物学家与大猩猩一起生活了很长时间,还救过一只小猩猩的命。