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【医】 软膜珠网膜, 柔脑[脊]膜



英文: According to the manifestations of post-contrast MRI, meningeal carcinomatosis were divided into two types: dura-arachnoid enhancement(7 cases) and pia-subarachnoid space enhancement(8 cases) in accordance with the standard of Meltzer.

中文: 按Meltzer等的标准 ,依据增强MRI表现把脑膜癌病分为 型 :硬脑膜 -蛛网膜型 7例 ; 软脑膜 -蛛网膜下腔型 8例。

英文: The alteration of expression of HLA-DR after coculturing arachnoid cells in vitro with hematic CSF

中文: 蛛网膜细胞与血性CSF共同培养后HLA-DR的表达变化

英文: Experimental study on the influnce of arachnoid from Myodil,Iopamiro,Omnipaque and Isovist

中文: 种脊髓造影剂对蛛网膜影响的实验研究

英文: A true gem of goblin know-how, the Arachnoid is fully dedicated to combat.

中文: 一个小丑的真正的精华在于了解专门技术的诀窍,蛛网兽完全献身于战斗状态。

英文: Intradural spinal arachnoid cysts are relatively uncommon lesions that may be single or multiple.

中文: 摘要脊椎硬膜内蜘蛛膜腔囊肿是少见的疾病。