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n.根,根部;根本,根源 v.(使)生根,(使)扎根

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Lateral root Any ROOT that arises from the PERICYCLE of another root.

中文: 侧根:起源于根的中柱鞘的根。

英文: Studies have been made shown that under water stress, not only root weight, root specific surface area, root-shoot ratio, root growing potential, root water potential, root vessel diameter, etc which express the indexes of wheat root morphology and archit

中文: 过去进行的研究表明,干旱胁迫条件下,不仅表达小麦根系形态和构型建成指标的根系数量、根系比表面积、根冠比、根生长势、根水势、根导管直径等发生显著变化,而且表达根系生理指标的伤流液、根呼吸速率、根系质膜透性、膜脂过氧化水平、保护酶及其同工酶等也发生相应改变。

英文: Pharmacodynamics Comparison of Bupleurum Root and Red Peony Root,Vinegar-baked Bupleurum Root and Whie Peony Root between Compatibility and Single Application;

中文: 柴胡与赤芍、醋柴胡与白芍配伍前后药效学比较研究

英文: Aerial root A root that arises above soil level.

中文: 气生根:生长在地面以上空气中的根。

英文: Root growth of wetland plants with different root types

中文: 两种不同根系类型湿地植物的根系生长