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英文: The diaphragm design for extremely quiet operation.

中文: 采用膜片设计其运作非常安静。

英文: Since the compensation valve cannot open unless it is mechanically actuated by the flat diaphragm via a lever, it ensures that the flat diaphragm and the hose diaphragm cannot be over-stretched.

中文: 除非通过杠杆受平隔膜的机械作用,补偿阀门是打不开的,这就保证了平隔膜和软管隔膜不会被过分地拉伸。

英文: For example, strongly crystallising fluids or abrasive liquids which settle in the lower pump area between diaphragm and diaphragm retainer ring lead to a premature diaphragm rupture.

中文: 例如,具有强结晶倾向的或磨蚀性的流体会在隔膜和隔膜固定圈间产生沉淀,导致隔膜过早地损坏。

英文: Diaphragm,economic,robust,compact metering pump.

中文: 隔膜式、经济型结构紧凑的计量泵。

英文: The influences of the properties of alluvium deposit, the properties of diaphragm wall concrete, the construction sequence of diaphragm walls, the distance between diaphragm walls and dam toe and the shape of diaphragm walls on the stress-deformation beha

中文: 研究了覆盖层特性、防渗墙混凝土特性、防渗墙施工顺序、防渗墙与坝趾之间距离和防渗墙形状对于面板堆石坝防渗墙应力变形性状的影响。