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句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: They are Tai-Chung Association, Tai-Nan Association, Er-Chi Association, Yun-Jia Association, Tsuo-Yu Association, Fu-Yu Association, Ji-Yu Association, Feng-Yu Association, Chang-Yu Association, Chien-Yu Association, Chu-Yu Association, Cheng-Ching Assoc

中文: 联谊性社团包括有:中友会、南友会、二齐会、中二中、附中山、嘉云会、左友会、复友会、基友会、凤友会、彰友会、前友会、竹友会、成景会、兰友会、花友会、武陵校友会、兴友会、桃友会、侨联会、雄屏会、板友会、延平校友会、坜友会、内友会、毕联会、同友会、道友会、辞金卫校友会、松友会、高市中山校友会。

英文: Besides the magistrate himself, the people attending are the representatives of the county peasant association, trade union council, merchant association, women's association, school staff association, student association and Kuomintang headquarters.

中文: 出席的人,县长以外,为县农民协会、县总工会、县商民协会、县女界联合会、县教职员联合会、县学生联合会以及国民党县党部的代表们。

英文: Besides setting the rules, the association gave the game its formal name: association football.

中文: 除了制定规则,这个协会还为球赛取了一个正式的名称:英式足球。

英文: Clark is supported by a variety of health groups including the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association and American Association on Mental Retardation.

中文: 克拉克被很多健康的群体所支持,这包括美国精神病协会、美国心理协会、美国智力缺陷协会。

英文: Curently he is member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, committee member of Chnese Association, vice-director of Hainan Poets, Artists and Calligraphers Communication Association.

中文: 现为中国书法家协会会员,中国博物馆学会委员,海南省诗书画联谊会副理事长。