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n.形状,形式;表格 v.组成,构成;形成

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: The best form is Switzerland form.

中文: 最好的表是瑞士表.

英文: the three strategies mimetic form, anological form organic form or content-derivation and deviant or extraneous form of James Holmes;

中文: James Holmes的翻译策略——mimetic form,anological form organic form或content-derivation和deviant或extraneous form;

英文: Ectoplasmic Form. Your amorphous form is hard to hurt.

中文: 星质形态:无定形的状态令你难以被伤害。

英文: Similar to the form of the address of the envelop, the form of the letter can also be divided into block form and indented form.

中文: 英文书信的格式就和信封地址一样,也可分为平头式和缩进式两种。

英文: Environmental Criminal Law in western countries has experienced three forms, namely initial form, growing form, and mature form.

中文: 摘要西方国家环境刑法的演进历程先后经历了三个发展形态,即启蒙形态、成长形态和完善形态。