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n.利润,收益 v.(by,from)得利,获益;有利于

句子        文献(pubmed)


英文: Profit is the operating result of an enterprise for a specific accounting period, including operating profit, total profit and net profit.

中文: 利润,是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果,包括营业利润、利润总额和净利润。

英文: Also called unrealized gain or unrealized profit or paper gain or paper profit.

中文: 又叫未实现所得或未实现利润或书面所得或书面利润。

英文: It might be operated by a non-profit group or a profit-making company.

中文: 可以由非营利团体或营利公司管理。

英文: A for-profit structure brings profit pressures; a nonprofit structure brings social mission pressures.

中文: 盈利性结构会带来利润压力,非盈利结构会带来社会使命感压力。

英文: Article 54 Profit is the operating results of an enterprise in an accounting period, including operating profit, net investment profit and net non-operating income.

中文: 第五十四条利润是企业在一定期间的经营成果,包括营业利润、投资净收益和营业外收支净额。